Source code for onnx_chainer.replace_func

import inspect

import chainer

class WrappedFunctionNode(chainer.FunctionNode):
    """Wrap the target function and operate as ``FunctionNode``

        name (str): name of the function node
        func (func): the target function
        args (list): args for the function
        kwargs (dict): kwargs for the function
        arg_vars (list): list of `chainer.Variable`s in `args` and `kwargs`
        attributes (list): parameters to be set node's attributes

    def __init__(self, name, func, args, kwargs, arg_vars, attributes=None):
        self.custom_function_node_name = name
        self.func = func
        self.args = args
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.arg_vars = arg_vars
        self.internal_results = None

        if attributes is not None:
            for k, v in attributes.items():
                setattr(self, k, v)

    def forward(self, xs):
        assert len(xs) == len(self.arg_vars)
        self.xs = xs
        results = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
        if isinstance(results, (tuple, list)):
            dummy_results = tuple(_unwrap_var(ret) for ret in results)
            if all([_is_var(ret) for ret in results]):
                self.internal_results = tuple(results)
        elif isinstance(results, dict):
            dummy_results = tuple(_unwrap_var(ret) for ret in results.values())
            if all([_is_var(ret) for ret in results.values()]):
                self.internal_results = tuple(results.values())
            dummy_results = _unwrap_var(results)
            dummy_results = dummy_results,
            if _is_var(results):
                self.internal_results = results,
        if not chainer.is_arrays_compatible(dummy_results):
            raise ValueError(
                'returned values from the function wrapped by \'as_funcnode\' '
                'must consist only array, function name: {}'.format(
        return dummy_results

    def backward(self, target_input_indexes, grad_outputs):
        if self.internal_results is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'the target function does not support backward, propagation '
                'is failed')
        grad_inputs = chainer.grad(self.internal_results, self.arg_vars,
        assert len(self.arg_vars) == len(grad_inputs)
        return tuple(grad_input if i in target_input_indexes else None
                     for i, grad_input in enumerate(grad_inputs))

[docs]def fake_as_funcnode(alt_func, name, rename_attributes=None): """The target function fakes FunctionNode The target function is replaced to the alternative function to connect variable node by acting function node. ``alt_func`` must satisfy the following restrictions. 1. Inputs includes one or more ``chainer.Variable`` to trace variables. 2. Output consists nothing but ``ndarray`` or ``chainer.Variable`` Even if ``alt_func`` returns ``ndarray``, the value forced to be converted to ``chainer.Variable``. A caller of the target function have to care both cases, returning ``ndarray`` and ``chainer.Variable``. When ``alt_func`` returns ``list`` of variable, the wrapped function will also returns multiple variables as ``tuple``. However ``dict`` cannot be return, the wrapped function breaks down the returned values as ``tuple`` of values, keys will be ignored. Arguments of ``alt_func`` except for ``chainer.Variable`` are set as function attributes. Attribute names are set ``argN`` (N is index number) or keyword on default. Example: >>> def func(x, a, b, c=1, d=2): pass >>> # x is variable >>> func = onnx_chainer.replace_func.fake_as_funcnode( ... func, 'CustomNode', ... rename_attributes=[(1, 'value'), ('c', 'y')]) Then ``func`` will be operated as a function node named "CustomNode", and ``'value'``, ``'b'``, ``'y'``, ``'d'`` are set as function's attributes. See tests/ more details. Args: alt_func (func): actual called function. There are some constrains, see the above documentation. name (str): function name. This name is used for what ONNX operator to be assigned. rename_attributes (list or tuple): rename attribute name, set list of ``tuple(index_of_args, new_name)`` or ``tuple(kwargs_name, new_name)`` Returns: func: wrapped function, called on exporting. """ def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs): inputs = [] attributes = {} rename_attr_dict = {} if rename_attributes is not None: rename_attr_dict = {attr[0]: attr[1] for attr in rename_attributes} # resolve default value for kwargs arg_spec = inspect.signature(alt_func) bound = arg_spec.bind(*args, **kwargs) bound.apply_defaults() # default values are set on `bound.arguments`, but cannot get them # from `bound.kwargs` for i, (k, v) in enumerate(bound.arguments.items()): if i < len(args): continue kwargs[k] = v def set_attr(key, value): default_name = key if isinstance(key, str) else 'arg{}'.format(key) attributes[rename_attr_dict.get(key, default_name)] = value def expand_args(args_iter): for i, a in args_iter: if _is_var(a): inputs.append(a) elif isinstance(a, (tuple, list)): # all elements are variable -> add flatten them to inputs # all elements are not variable -> add them to attributes # mixed variable and other type value -> error flatten_arg = _flatten(a) var_or_not = map(_is_var, flatten_arg) if all(var_or_not): inputs.extend(flatten_arg) elif not any(var_or_not): set_attr(i, a) else: raise ValueError( 'arguments mixed variable and other type are not ' 'supported') else: set_attr(i, a) expand_args(enumerate(args)) expand_args(kwargs.items()) if not inputs: raise ValueError( 'arguments of the function wrapped by \'as_funcnode\' ' 'must include at least one chainer.Variable, function name: ' '{}'.format(name)) wrapped = WrappedFunctionNode( name, alt_func, args, kwargs, inputs, attributes=attributes) ret = wrapped.apply(inputs) if len(ret) > 1: return ret return ret[0] chainer.utils.experimental('as_funcnode') return _wrapper
[docs]def as_funcnode(name, rename_attributes=None): """The target function fakes FunctionNode The target function is overwrapped to connect variable node by acting function node. Expected to be used as decorator. More detail, see ``fake_as_funcnode`` documentation. Example: >>> @onnx_chainer.replace_func.as_funcnode( ... 'CustomNode', rename_attributes=[(1, 'value'), ('c', 'y')]) ... def func(x, a, b, c=1, d=2): pass Args: name (str): function name. This name is used for what ONNX operator to be assigned. rename_attributes (list or tuple): rename attribute name, set list of ``tuple(index_of_args, new_name)`` or ``tuple(kwargs_name, new_name)`` """ def _wrapper(fn): return fake_as_funcnode(fn, name, rename_attributes=rename_attributes) return _wrapper
def _unwrap_var(var): return var.array if _is_var(var) else var def _is_var(array): # alias for type checking return isinstance(array, chainer.Variable) def _is_array(v): return not isinstance(v, (list, tuple)) def _flatten(xs): if _is_array(xs): return [xs] o = [] for x in xs: if _is_array(x): o.append(x) else: o.extend(_flatten(x)) return o